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Mappa del sito

  • Boil-My W
  • Boiling Point
    Way to many expectations Hours full of education I feel like I'm so trapped inside Wheres the fucking liberation? Know that I'm done with all your fucking rule...
  • Cliffhanger
    Guess it's about time I was told the truth, I've dug myself a hole and I'm only digging deeper Thought I was well off, I thought I had it all But I've clung to ...
  • Misanthrope
    Slowly slipping, quickly fading What the fuck am I to do? Shivering, freezing, slowly breathing In this fucking world with you Spine is shaking I?'m decaying T...
  • My World
    My world is crumbling, beneath my feet I've got a poison that I can't seem to defeat My brain, misshapen, has become so weak You've got the antidote I die to se...