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  • Alle-With
  • Allegiance To Thy Fall
    Beyond the walls of weak mankind Encouraged with earthborn lies, I salute the forgotten aeons, Standing against dimness of resigned. I saw them betraying the kn...
  • Atrium Mortis
    Hark, Thou whom reflections of life have never reached, Whose name is cried with every stillborn! I kneel before, oh silhouette of all divinity of Black! With T...
  • Omega Overcasts The Presence
    Oh, and I comprehend: The grief is timeless! Skin clad creation, structured to conquer, Now with sight toward the quintessence of black, For strength is screami...
  • One With The Darkside Eternal
    I drown again in my darkened dreams, Avoiding pain, aspiring The Blaze! Temptation to oppress the force of creation, Overwhelming the roots of life, Guide me in...
  • Rise Of Pantheon
    The unborn have raised Thy forest Once burned away in their dark desire Time did lose this battle against the ancients And awaken is our ominous past. I can he...
  • Skies Are The Chains
    Oh, thirsty soil for warrior's blood For mortal's tears thy craving is neverending. Upon which no life is granted With bliss and shelter from an hour you start ...
  • The Final Purification
    Entering the catacombs Where Darkness devours every trace of weakness Now I've passed the borders of forbidden Stronger than ever, beholding the realm of shadow...
  • Within Their Midnight
    A place obscure, ghastly, silent Where darkness dwells and shadows stalk Place of unholy virtues and incantations Witches Sabbath, the Devil's congregations Wr...