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  • 108-Woma
  • 108
    Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate iti matva bhajante mam budha bhava-samanvitah ( I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds Everything ...
  • Deathbed
    I remember when you cried With your eyes on fire With the gale in your lungs, Screamed your throat red But now it's getting colder… What happened to you? You're...
  • Gopinatha
    O Gopinatha, Lord of the Gopis: please hear my request I am a wicked materialist, always addicted to worldly desires, and no good qualities do i posses O Gopina...
  • Govina-Virahena
    Yuga-yitam nimo-shena Chakshusha pravrisha-yitam Shunya-yitam jagat sarvam Govinda-virahena me Moments drag on for ages Eyes shower storms of tears The whole wo...
  • Holyname
    I have no emotion I have no devotion It's empty motion Oceans of notions intent on ego promotion No elation, no devistation Supplication seems a foreign creatio...
  • Hopeless?
    The deeper i try to go, the shallower i find myself i dance on the strings of selfishness, self-righteousness imprisoned in my house of greed entombed in tortur...
  • Hostage: I
    Return the hostage, return the hostage: I The hollowness within me burns Without me “I'm” a plastic hide Inside I hide a brutal void Release me, release the hos...
  • I Am Not
    You try to shoot me down Your mouth is like a loaded gun A million cries of a billion lies That's your ammunition Miconception Dissemination of false informati...
  • Idefy
    Call it a lie Call it a crutch Call it denial Say it's an escape It's only the fear sought to beguile Say I've lost my tear Say I've lost my self doubt Say I've...
  • Liar
    You said I could find live in the folds of your flesh You said you loved me You never knew me You said it was called love You said it was more than skeletons co...
  • Noonenomore
    Invested your identity In a world that raped you of your entity Projected personality On a world-less individuality I look in my eyes and I see no one I look de...
  • Pale
    Down Pulled down Pulled down by the current Into the ocean of misery Dragged out by the mainstream Washed out by the waves Of convenience and compliancy Time ha...
  • Request Denied
    “Return to madness” I ponder on your dark embrace “Return to lunacy” Mesmerized, I drift towards the brink “Return to madness” About to extinguish my heart “Ret...
  • Shun The Mask
    Tear tears through my eye A screaming struggle To shin the shallow me The calculated “I” Penetrate the pretense Of this plastic life Hard? Yes it's hard (what d...
  • Slave
    Don't tell me you don't surrender And don't say you're not a servant I see you slave away to the dictates of your senses you must obey Slave In the name of free...
  • Solitary
    Condemned cell incarcerates me No walls, no bars on this cage It's just “me” The penitentiary is my “identity” In this solitary I learn what it's like to be so ...
  • Thirst
    I try, to slake my, thirst on desert sand hot dunes choke my throat, arid & parched I try , to slake my, thirst on desert sand how can i, slake my thirst on des...
  • Thorn
    Chew the thorn Drink the blood Call it pleasure But you'll never quench that thirst Sex is suffering Bleed the envy Bleed the jealousy Bleed the heartache Call ...
  • Weapon
    This is the weapon of real revolution This is the fire of the final rebellion Politics, that ain't gonna solve this Sociologist, your plan is useless Without t...
  • Woman
    Did you really fall for this again? Did you believe that he was a man? Did you think there was something real In the things we've said Just to be a lord over yo...