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  • Ange-Your
  • Anger
    Alive - I was a pestilence Dying - I will be your death You feel like walls are breathing And I touch you with my dead palm Scenting a panic in your head And no...
  • Aryman's Grace
    On Peryhelium day When sunshine is the weakest Darkness fell on the magician - went blind His eyes were covered by a black leucoma But the gates opened before h...
  • Banished Of Alive
    Call me devout, people make me an absolute god give me an empty name of Predecessors Crown me, betray me and wait for punishment have an hour, mind the sides T...
  • Black Mask Of Death
    Black, burnt earth Pants for blood like a thirsting To give a fruit of a murder And regain the lost dream Dead warriors Union with the fate To renegate To imme...
  • Contempt
    Lonely red cross Submerged in the scarlet darkness By the base two naked bodies Kept without move, like statues In pose full of perversion, silent, dead? My ch...
  • Darkness Feller
    Where flows, somewhere in the caves That human's thought can't measure STHYX, the holy river That dies in the dark sea Eternal chaos's time's streams Relentless...
  • Dead's Prayer
    Naked nameless ones, the immortals Will unite with man In the wind, under the west side of the moon When people's bones moulder Dusk pull them to sleep And the...
  • Deceived Conscience
    One look into space Releases your narcotic visions Of world in apocalyptic struggle On your face the blood streams engrave The sigma of the deprived environment...
  • Decline Of Worlds
    The last night is coming Come into being o! Immortals And sing the song of eternity, Wake the mortals up - it's time Prostate yourselves - dead fools Decaying ...
  • Expression Of Horror
    Pain traversing body, silent squeal Is coming from a cracked ground Vultures with bloody wings Are waiting for their victim No forgives, no revival Corpse witho...
  • Final Truth
    My task is finished I'll take my own road Under the strengthening breath of nonentity Dark stars like gloomy demons Lie dignifiedly in company Of dead, calm wor...
  • Fire - Step Follow Me
    The last butcher of human kind has began I'm standing unbeaten over the world Up to kneels in disemboweled mortals' guts Last living can hear my ironic laugh F...
  • Hatched Out Of
    Here I'm - revival Stronger than whenever in eternity I'm yesterday Future is my mother And dusk is my father I'm spitting the plague out of my gust It's a gif...
  • Kingdom Of The Blind
    "In the kingdom of the blind, the king is the one with one eye" Absolute power, unreal creation Men's or ancient ghosts' work? Experts of the dead paths Expert...
  • Messiah For The Blind Fools
    You will not be able to eat or drink Your eyes will be shining in darkness And decoying nocturnal insects A hungry rat will settle in your stomach Hair will sta...
  • Millenium
    Time is cruel, it goes by slowly We are dying slowly in the sweet inactivity Unworthy of death's attention - the only real otherness Rubbing against the aspects...
  • Necrosis Of The Ego
    I hate the world and ordinaries I burn my boats I cut myself off feelings I hold them and he in an abhorrence I want to present all the people - With true natur...
  • Prophet's Crux
    Millions of voices shouted Seeking the knowledge key The knowledge is power - the power is nonsense And voices seek in vain Whispers of knowledge around me The...
  • Psalm
    And became the time When the prophecies have been fulfilled Time that never exist before All sorts of plague crawled craftily From the gloomiest places of the u...
  • Reborn In Pain
    Black Lord poured hell fire in my veins to digest the rest of my soul Indescribable pain and hatred in my eyes Strike weak human beings Very small onesbeside th...
  • Scoff
    I tread with the fire sowing destruction My wings are raised by the blind demons The false priests set fire to their temples Fear tears naked body away from the...
  • Song Of Suffer
    Everything's comes back here the beginning of nothings the end çà understanding Primeval power of these who passed away before the human kind came Each of you i...
  • Soul Snatcher
    You are picking crops of the acts Acted and no existed Tunnels to infinity Gloomy, cold and wet Are Gaping like beast's muzzle A lots of gates are open On the e...
  • The Burial Ground Of God
    Join a funeral Let's take an importance and dignity of The moment There is a darkness sarcophagus In front of us And inside there is a corpse of a dead god Who ...
  • The Rule
    "Look at the castle full of crime It's walls streaming blood, As if a demon lived here" Time is paying your debt off in the face of the world Has already finis...
  • The Shadows Of Acheron
    Destroy the whole evil in pupils Of the madness of that world Let the felicity of the hatred Embrace people's wounded souls Cod into the depth of the darkness A...
  • To Be Awaken In The Nightmares
    " Nobody can say what will happen in a while But still there are some stories Which are repeated endlessly" Slowly decomposing corpse lies on the bed There is ...
  • Uncrown
    Lots of people Kneeling down on their knees A head of their funny god They have believed in Happiness after life But they have got only Death and pain You prom...
  • Without Mercy, Without Glory
    Without glory you're dieing after combat fight Your death is only dream Without glory they'll take you life There ones which are hell's butchers Searing land gr...
  • Your Fear, My Power
    To feel to power of fear To understand this nature and meaning To make sure that he who can make the most of it Gets the power over the world of mortals Will th...