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  • Agai-Your
  • Again And Again
    So where is the piano and the big bass drum? And the clashing of cymbals I need some running frantic notes, Some lines of panic and desperation Cause your infat...
  • Angel Or Demon
    You could be an angel or maybe a demon I'm not quite sure yet 'cause we just met Your white dress contradicts your black hair You probably dyed it, I don't real...
  • Boston White
    Dismantled notes just might strike me tonight You're right, I just might explode in this silver moonlight You're at the piano, your hands are on the key, Liftin...
  • Broken Ice
    If I could I would I'd pull your ribs apart Like the bars on the jail cell We'd make a clean break I'd touch your racing heart To control those anxieties To cal...
  • Comfort In Suffering
    So often I'd stand on my front porch And I'd watch the car wrecks all night long It's Christmas Eve, and I've Had too much to drink The house is quiet And neat...
  • Crooked
    Last night I had this dream that I took you out of power All your plans had fallen through You had ambition, and I took that too I dethroned you I'm now the kin...
  • Dignified Exit Society
    The wind is beating at the rooftops It knows of the history here The windows are rattling, they are cracking The air, it just wants in I want thunder and I want...
  • Emergency
    I always tell myself to be patient But my left hand shakes Against your new couch Control of the situation Fell through my fingers I heard her say: "You can't k...
  • Ghost
    I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going But when I get there and I sort things out I hope that I do it well It's the excitement, the anxiety, then the le...
  • Idle And Waiting
    Play that chord one more time You know I'm waiting It's the quiet that makes the song No, it's the absence of light that makes it Play that chord and I'll fall ...
  • June, Summer, Rose
    I once knew a girl named june And one july she waved goodbye I remember finding her curled up on an old box-spring She said, "I'm gonna make mistakes I just hop...
  • Love
    Well love's a word I could never really get To roll off my tongue, So I'm done with hope and certainty Well your a girl I could never really quite figure out S...
  • Reactionary
    There's a stain on your shirt From where you spilled the red wine I almost remember it was over there by the piano Now you're forcing the liquor down your throa...
  • Set The Scene
    To set the scene we're lying here The night sky is woken up by intruding lights And the sound of cannons We drove downtown for this And we love our country just...
  • Ships
    Just like ships, we float through each other's lives Through the waters of beauty and grace We will one day dock at the same port And give rest to our weary leg...
  • Sleep Well
    You want me, you got me I'm digging my heels in so far that I dug a grave To the point where I wanted to lay in it You made me lay down Your eyes can be reveali...
  • Tests On My Heart
    If they did tests on my heart I think that maybe they would start believing All the stories that I tell them Like how sometimes I can barely breathe For no appa...
  • The Black Dress
    I've never seen her before Never been here before Yet she seemed strangely familiar Never set foot in this bar Nor do I recognize that car But you caught my eye...
  • The City Lights
    If you see me at midnight Walking the streets You'll know it was me for I cannot sleep I've pushed away the dreams And spoiled the quiet I'm propelled by fear A...
  • Thinking Of You
    I can't sleep at night, I'm thinking of you And when you're away, I'm so blue I'm thinking of you I'll laugh my eyes out, I'll feel the rhythm I'll pretend you...
  • Vampires
    Last night we went to a party There were a bunch of big names there I've been conditioned to sell myself Well, that's not what this is about So I've got one han...
  • We Fall
    I saw you running through the fields Your hair was a mess and your face was wet Your body was trembling The summer's heat made your clothes stick to your skin I...
  • Your Exit
    My stomach is in knots My fingers bleed the day away I might be sick here on this stage Distance is relative but so is your empty name I think I want out if it'...