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  • Abso-Ware
  • Absolute One
    One alone exists without a second All that's objectified is an appearance, This fire of knowledge still burns This fire of knowledge destroys the misapprenhensi...
  • Adiguru Namastubhyam
    Vatavitapi samipe bhumibhage nishannam Sakalamunijananam jnanadataramarat Tribhuvanagurumisham dakshinamurti devam Jananamaranaduhkhacheda daksham namami Citra...
  • Advaitamrta
    Svaprakasham tamatmanam aprakashah katham sprshet Ahamasmi sadabhami kadachinaham apriyam Brahmaivaham atah siddham satchidanandalakshanam Riding the waves of...
  • Amen
    I see the devil in your preaching creed Your talk is cheap but many deceived None needs your holy bread of life What I need is to see through your lies! Amen!!...
  • Amrtasyaputra
    Mortals are damned by their fear of mortality Caused by duality which manifests the world of multiplicity But when all is Mithya what remains even to be seen ap...
  • Ananda
    As you seek the pleasures in life It slowly turns into pain The titillating moments of joy Torment you till the end Can't stand the test of time? The ways of t...
  • Anantarupa
    Advaita, Nirguna, Nitya, Ananta Without beginning and without an end A reality I cannot comprehend The wise declare it to be only One Beyond the reach of speec...
  • Apostasy
    What is there salvage!!! A myth invented for fools proclaim That I am a sinner who needs salavation And there comes a creed to save me When will be your judgeme...
  • Aryaputra
    The war has begun to destroy avidya Annihilation of what is not, watch us slaughter mercilessly The Aryans are back, with knowledge supreme The intellect is ou...
  • Asura Mardhini
    Daughter of the Mountain, Rise again, destroy the asuras Daughter of the Ocean, Rise again, destroy our enemies Consort of blue necked One, Rise again, and spl...
  • Atman
    The sole reason for your existence, It is Your Supreme Guide in both darkness and light, The eternal witness, The one that is, and the one that will forever be ...
  • Atmavichara
    "I am" therefore let the enquiry begin! The Self is the object to be known The knower too is non-separate from the self So who am I? What am I? All my knowledg...
  • Avidya Nivrtti
    "The Lord I am, present everywhere I was prior to everything else I am the cosmic wom I am the born and that which is to be born I have faces in every direction...
  • Bhagavatpada Namaskara
    Nityam shuddham Nirabhasam nirakaram niranjanam Nityabodham chidanandam gurum brahma Namamyaham Satchidanandarupaya vyapine Paramatmane namah shrigurunathaya P...
  • Black
    You are ignorant of the truth and you have come to preach? Insisting that your way is the way it should be seen It is an exposition of opinions and it's the bli...
  • Bliss Divine
    The Soul of the Universe, I bow to thee The one Existence, I bow to thee It is never born It never dies One without a second It is Bliss Divine [Solo: Bala] ...
  • For The Dying
    This fear of death grips you as you approach your last hour Can't take your possessions with you beyond The anxiety kills you beforehand The mystery of your de...
  • God Of Delusion
    The God of life has made you dead to wisdom Your God of truth is all but a lie The God of love has swon the seeds of Hate Deaf to the cries of millions What me...
  • Highlands Of Tranquility
    In great heights my mind soars to the indescribable Vairagya in the form of Saffron robes all around mr Hara Hara Shankara, Jaya Jaya Shankara Chanting the Sru...
  • Hymns From The Blazing Chariot
    Shri bhagavan uvaca Kutastvaa kashmalamidam vishame samupasthitam Anaryajushtamasvargyamakirtikaramarjuna Arjuna Uvaca Na hi prapashyami mamapanudyadyacchokamu...
  • Hymns To Thee
    The youthful lord imparts the ageless truth Under the Banyan tree, facing the south Uprooting primordial nescience With his burning eyes of wisdom For the benef...
  • I
    [solo- selvam] Knowledge frees you, Action binds you Self Ignorance is Death The need for a valid means of knowledge is fulfilled by the shruti In this razor s...
  • Immortality Roars
    Avidyopadhiko jivo mayopadhika ishvara Mayavidyagunatita brahma vedantadindima Sakaram ca nirakaram sagunam cagunatmakam Tattvam tadbrahma paramamiti vedantadi...
  • In The Vision Of The Blind
    You hope to see diamonds and roses in a paradise filled with pleasure You hope to meet God in the hereafter pouring wine into your goblet of greed Once virigns...
  • Justified Agression
    Arise and Fight! Fight till Death! Retreat is disgrace, now raise your sword!! Army of Rajas invade! Destroy the tasmasic hordes Offense is the strategy, Attack...
  • Mahamaya
    Avyakta-namni paramesa-saktih anady avidya tri-gunatmika para kary'anumeya sudhiy'aiva maya yaya jagat sarvam idam prasuyate The Power of the Absolute containe...
  • Majestic Ashtavakra
    The mortal self subject to misery Is bound by Besha Kala and Vastu This misery is caused by the delusion That the seeker and sought and dual I am the one Non d...
  • Malevolent Creed
    [solo - selvam] Sacrifice in the name of God Damnation of the lofty thoughts Watching them die with innocent eyes This is the sign of the malevolent creed Is ...
  • Manifesto Of The Demented
    Thus speak the zealots of mankind Fools without a questioning mind Dogmas breed in their hypnotic words Insecurity revealed in their preaching glory Spreading ...
  • Meditations At Dawn
    Pratah smarami hrdi samsphuradatma tattvam Sat chit sukham paramahamsa gatim turiyam Yat svapna jagara sushuptam avaiti nityam Tad brahma nishkalam aham na ca b...
  • Mithya
    All subtle, gross and casual realities have no independent existence Bound by Time, space and the laws of causation No more eternal pleasures in heaven or etern...
  • Natural Born Ignorance
    This Adhyasa is Avidya Worshipping the creator whose existence is devoid of reason This in itself is caused by the natural born Avidya Fools worship the namele...
  • Negate
    Enemies alone I see see in this battlefield Executing & eradicating souls of black Rightful confrontation to negate adhyasa Self induced psychosis, Negated ruth...
  • No War
    An eye for an eye Till you lose your eyes Violence begets violence You start and it never ends The weak can't resist the urge to retaliate The strong shall endu...
  • Not The Seen But The Seer
    Through the plea of the Devas to defeat Tarakasura She incarnated as the daughter of Himalaya to seek the hand Of the Mahadeva with that union Skanda was born T...
  • Obeisance
    I prostrate myself before the Parabrahman, the Supreme One, and to all its manifestations I bow with reverence to the Shrutis and to the Maharishis I bow to the...
  • Ravens Of Paradise
    The sorrow is unbearable when countless desires devour me Life is but a worthless mime which robs away my peace of mind I now renounce this crown of thorns call...
  • Reversing The Currents
    What is seen is not the seer The witnessing seer cannot be objectified Through the words of Shruti the seer is seen like a reflection in the mirror "When the m...
  • Rudrapatni
    [solo - selvam] The wielder of time in human form (Jai Kali, Maha Kali) In waves of time destroying the mortals born Devourer of all that is ephemeral She reve...
  • Sad But True
    You have to die to see the light? Is the weight of the world on you? Constantly seeking to change the world But never to change yourself You are a pain here bu...
  • Sin
    Mind your conditioned mind, which you use to judge one Conditioned by your own ideals, you denounce the ones who differ A sinner or a saint, to be judged not by...
  • Temple Of Nothingness
    Chaotic confusion in the house of emptiness Congregation of navie believers Believers remain as believers of time honoured dogmas Without knowing what lies beyo...
  • The Ancient One
    Om Triyambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanat Mrtyormuksheeya Mamrtat Terrifying and yet benevolent Where the opposites dwell in har...
  • Venerable Opposites
    Brahman I am Maya you are Purusha I am Prakrti you are Shiva I am Shakti you are4 Pati I am Patni you are Om shivaya namah Om rudraya namah Om ugraya namah Om ...
  • Wareligion
    Pathetic display of unjustified aggression Killing of mortals in the name of religion You kill your other self and you think it's God's will Not knowing that yo...