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  • Befo-We W
  • Before Me The Lions Weep
    I throw my head back and gaze into the sky Searching for divine protection of my life I'm searching for hope and courage to fight I drop my head and gaze upon t...
  • By Means Of Blood And Fire
    Blood thirsty axe and sword we flail bodies Chopped and dismembered humans now amputees The flag of our land is blood upon the ground A dead body marks our ter...
  • Exhume The Ancient Wargods
    How we pray to the ancients for vengeance, we ask for one last fighting chance Let us break these chains of enslavement our free hands deliver judgement God of ...
  • Genocide Horizon
    Arise legions of the damned I command revenge Hark, the winds of war are howling Turn your other cheek to peace, embrace the slaughter and the glory of war Rit...
  • Hourglass Shattered
    Brick by brick this wall will crumble Dust and debris mark our forced enemy Sending up a sign th those inside the wall that their kingdom is soon to fall My ar...
  • Satiated With The Blood Of The Conquered
    Attack!!!! We are one and many a driving force consuming the enemy Vengeance is mine for the time when their foot shall slip The day of tragedy is at hand So t...
  • Storm Upon The Shores
    I tread lightly through the night, becoming shadow-like You will hear no sound, no indication that I am there Except for the fear, unexplainable when I am near ...
  • Thy Kingdom Crushed
    This is not the punishment for your deeds Rather this is the penance for your convince For the fact that you played the game And attempted to win Now the lids o...
  • To War Be The Glory
    Our screams will fill the sky and the ravens will fall Our blades will glow from he sun and our armor will flash like lightning We will be like Michael with fie...
  • We Who Rise In Might
    The four horsemen came and brought forth their plague The scribes of history wall say Before our savage journey we were a quiet people With a culture and integr...