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  • A Bl-Witc
  • A Black Moon Broods Over Leumria
    Dark baleful shades astride the mystic heath, Old land's enchantments, wolf-eyes agleam, The moon slips 'neath the darkening sea, The trees sing enthralling cha...
  • A Tale From The Deep Woods
    The ravens are on the wing! My scramasax is red (stained with the blood of many Mercian warriors), The ravens are on the wing, By Offa's decree I am an outlaw,...
  • And Atlantis Falls
    And lo, I witnessed the vast seas rise forth like a great ravenous beast, a devouring maelstrom of cataclysmic fury; and the gleaming spires and citadels of pro...
  • And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth,
    [Chapter 1: The Voyage of the Sorcerer] The war between the Imperium and the allied Vyrgothian Kingdoms had raged for years Beginning as minor disputes over bor...
  • And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, Then Dark Sorceries Shall Enshroud The Citade
    [Chapter 1: The Voyage of the Sorcerer] The war between the Imperium and the allied Vyrgothian Kingdoms had raged for years Beginning as minor disputes over ...
  • As The Vortex Illumines The Crystalline Walls Of Kor-Avul-T
    Kor-Avul-Thaa finest jewel in the crown of a realm of sublime glory, greatest city in the Middle Kingdoms, mayhap all the world Its splendid walls of shimmering...
  • As The Vortex Illumines The Crystalline Walls Of Kor-Avul-Thaa
    Kor-Avul-Thaa finest jewel in a crown of a realm of sublime glory, greatest city in the Middle Kingdoms, mayhap all the world Its splendid walls of shimmering c...
  • At the Altar of the Dreaming Gods
    Dark baleful shades astride the mystic heath, Old land's enchantments, wolf-eyes agleam, The moon slips 'neath the darkening sea, The trees sing enthralling cha...
  • At The Altar Of The Dreaming Gods (epilogue)
    Come, dark night deep night, Sweep away the fading embers of the cruel sun, Let me at last dream 'neath the moon's sweet light, For the quest is over, and the l...
  • At The Altar Of The Dreaming Gods (Epilogue)
    Come, dark night deep night, Sweep away the fading embers of the cruel sun, Let me at last dream 'neath the moon's sweet light, For the quest is over, and the l...
  • Atlantis Ascendant
    [The Chronicler of Antediluvia:] Long ago, before the Third Great Cataclysm reshaped the face of creation, one nation rose above all others in the antediluvian...
  • Battle Magic
    Sorcerers and shamans, weave your spells of war, Ensure our mighty sword-arms are the strongest and the quickest Entwine us with great battle magic 'til we stan...
  • Behold, The Armies Of War Descend Screaming From The Heaven
    [THE DISCIPLES OF ZAKUMAKURA:] Since before mankind hurled himself squamously from the sea we have awaited the awakening of great Zakumakura! Now the Dragon-Ki...
  • Behold, The Armies Of War Descend Screaming From The Heavens!
    THE DISCIPLES OF ZAKUMAKURA: Since before mankind hurled himself squamously from the sea we have awaited the awakening of great Zakumakura! Now the Dragon-King ...
  • Black Dragons Soar Above The Mountain Of Shadows (prologue)
    The Watcher in Stone: And I stand enthralled and silent atop the ancient, shadowed mountain, gazing in awe at the stygian, night-cloaked sky, as above me a wond...
  • Black Dragons Soar Above The Mountain Of Shadows (Prologue)
    THE WATCHER IN STONE: And I stand enthralled and silent atop the ancient, shadowed mountain, gazing in awe at the stygian, night-cloaked sky, as above me a wond...
  • Blood Slakes The Sand At The Circus Maximus
  • Callisto Rising
    ZURANTHUS: Earthbound, a star falls to my tongue Come to me, Hyperion's child come to me, spawn of Titan Condemned Souls of the Brotherhood of Dark Elucidation:...
  • Crystal Shards
    I stand engulfed by the moon-magic of a winter eve's dream, Enraptured by bloodlust, and nine fire-gems ablaze, I am beckoned by sylph-spells and the jewelled s...
  • Draconis Albionensis
    [The Oracle of Logres:] It was a time of change The descendants of the Atlantean mages had fallen before the New Praesidium, and the wolves were baying at the ...
  • Dreaming of Atlantean Spires
    The Watcher in Stone: And I stand enthralled and silent atop the ancient, shadowed mountain, gazing in awe at the stygian, night-cloaked sky, as above me a wond...
  • Enthroned in the Temple of the Serpent Kings
    All witches fly to me I have torn the veil of dreams, Enraptured by (the gleam of) moon-frost's caress, My heart is held in icy thrall, The horned moon's sweet ...
  • Enthroned In The Temple Of The Serpent Kings
    Ancient cromlech carved of ice, Etched against a glimmering sky, Beneath the pale moonlight, the witch enthralling, (like the sublime) scent of black lotus, Ahi...
  • Epilogue
    XERXES: Such devastation, master A mighty civilization destroyed in the blinking of an eye decimated by the madness of a rogue demi-god ALTARUS: Indeed, my you...
  • In Search of the Lost Cities of Antarctica
    [The Explorer:] Beneath the ice, the endless ice of Pangaea's now axial eternally frozen frontier, entombed for countless millions of years the lost cities of ...
  • In The Raven-Haunted Forest Of Darkenhold, Where Shadows Re
    The Words of the Forest-King on the Eve of the Nexus: I am the immortal King of the Deep Woods, Servitor of the Old Gods of the Forest I hear the whispered word...
  • In The Raven-Haunted Forests Of Darkenhold, Where Shadows Reign And The Hues Of Sunlight Never Dance
    The Words of the Forest-King on the Eve of the Nexus: I am the immortal King of the Deep Woods, Servitor of the Old Gods of the Forest I hear the whispered word...
  • Journey to the Isle of Mists
    (Sagas from the antediluvian Scrolls) Black winds whispering 'cross the fens, In eldritch coils (jewelled and gleaming) spires entwined Enraptured by the moon's...
  • Journey To The Isle Of Mists (Over The Moonless Depths Of Night-Dark Seas)
    [The Log of the Northern Mariner:] The great serpent-prow of my ship, Wave-Render, cleaves the nighted waters as we voyage across this dark, icy sea, t...
  • Naked Dteel
    [Legends etched into the ancient stone dolmens on the Dark Moors] [THE ORACLE OF WAR:] The crows will pick your bones clean Never sweet the kiss of cold steel...
  • Of Carnage And A Gathering Of The Wolves
    Somewhere in the lightless, labyrinthine depths of the Darkenhold forest VOICE OF THE NIGHT: Who are you, wanderer? WANDERING SPIRIT: I can't remember VOICE ...
  • Prologue
    In 2104, lithological excavations at the Fourth Mars Colony unearthed an artifact of unknown, seemingly non-human origin; an icosahedron of an unrecognized, non...
  • Prolouge
    In 2104, lithological excavations at the Fourth Mars Colony unearthed an artifact of unknown, seemingly non-human origin; an icosahedron of an unrecognized, non...
  • Return To The Praesidium Of Ys
    I was spawned deep beneath the Pre-Cambrian sea, the scion of a far distant sun I have traversed the endless stars, and journeyed to a myriad galaxies The dimen...
  • Shadows Neath The Black Pyramid
    I hearken to the grisly murmer of nameless fiends, Black jaws drooling blasphemy, Beyond the witch-song, darkly sweet, The wyrm-horn sounds cross Dagon's mere, ...
  • Star-Maps of the Ancient Cosmographers
    [The Thaumaturgist:] The Great Eye of the Universe opens! Through this astral art the secrets of the cosmos are mine to know for the stars are my dominion! Emp...
  • Starfire Burning Upon the Ice Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule
    Black stone summoning the eternal power of the winter moon Fen-witch revel in ancient spellcraft, Beneath a horned and waning moon Enchantress, heather-bride a'...
  • Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
    Spears agleam in the dying sun, The blood is spilled, the battle's won, From the icy throne of God-King shall rule, When nine stars kiss the moon o'er Ultima Th...
  • Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
    Spears agleam in the dying sun, The blood is spilled, the battle's won, From the icy throne of God-King shall rule, When nine stars kiss the moon o'er Ultima Th...
  • Summoning The Guardians Of The Astral Gate
    It is written in the ancient legends that high amidst the moon-swathed peaks of the great Mountain of Shadows, hides the aeon-weary threshold of the Astral Gate...
  • The Awakening Of The Stars
    With but a gesture of my incorporeal hand I illumine the heart of a new-born sun, Revelling as its searing stellar radiance engulfs my ersatz form Gazing out ac...
  • The Chronicle of Shadows
    [The Imperator of the Night (Hearken to the Attestation of the Sinistrous):] For it is the iniquity of man which compels him to these tenebrous gates, seeking o...
  • The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed
    The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed At The Ensorcelled Shrine Of A'Zura-Kai (The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean ...
  • The Dreamer in the Catacombs of Ur
    [Doctor Ignatius Stone:] It was like some dark, dark dream We had not heeded the warnings of the ancients, and now we would pay the price here, within the cata...
  • The Empyreal Lexicon
    THE KEEPER OF THE NINTH SHARD: So cold are the spaces between the stars For blackened suns are the only legacy of worlds long dead ZURRA: The key word of Trans...
  • The Epsilon Exordium
    [Instrumental] [From the journal of Professor Caleb Blackthorne III, discovered May 1899, near the great Temple at Tiahuanaco, Peru:] [23 September: 1893] Up...
  • The Ghost Of Angkor Wat
    [Instrumental] [17 October: 1893] Such grim musings as have been occupying my mind of late unfortunately seem to suggest a possible link to the fate of my lea...
  • The Ravening
    Black Legions ravening for blood, Dark Lords hearken to my call, Warriors rise forth from the earth, Battle-spells empower me, The Throne of Kings, the summonin...
  • The Scourge Of The Fourth Celestial Host
    UATU: They possess power unparalleled ageless, remorseless Without pity or conscience Manipulators of evolution on countless worlds Gods of the stars the Celest...
  • The Splendour of a Thousand Swords
    Black Legions ravening for blood, Dark Lords hearken to my call, Warriors rise forth from the earth, Battle-spells empower me, The Throne of Kings, the summonin...
  • The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Bla
    ALTARUS: Gaze deep into the mists with your spirit-eyes, Xerxes look far, and tell me what you see XERXES: I see a land far to the north a vast empire of dark e...
  • The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean Empire
    [ALTARUS:] Gaze deep into the mists with your spirit-eyes, Xerxes look far, and tell me what you see [XERXES:] I see a land far to the north a vast empire of da...
  • The Splendour of a Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire (Part: III)
    [THE ANTEDILUVIAN ORACLE:] Behold glorious Hyperborea, gleaming jewel of the north; an eon-veiled kingdom forever steeped in ancient legendry and the renown of...
  • The Thirteen Cryptical Prophecies Of Mu
    ZURRA: The Callisto shard denied me! I have been cast across the myriad intersecting tendrils of the great web of space and time And now, I gaze once more upon ...
  • The Voyagers Beneath The Mare Imbrium
    WORDS GLEANED FROM THE CRYSTAL OF MEMORY: From a time beyond time, we come We, who once crested the waves of the great astral sea and who now must strive again ...
  • Thwarted By The Dark
    [The contemplations of Joachim Blokk:] As my sword drips black now with the unclean blood of another slain fiend, it occurs to me that history will most probab...
  • To Dethrone the Witch Queen of Mytos Kunn
    ALTARUS: Gaze deep into the mists with your spirit-eyes, Xerxes look far, and tell me what you see XERXES: I see a land far to the north a vast empire of dark e...
  • To Dethrone The Witch-Queen Of Mytos KUnn
    The Chronicles of War: The vast armies of Mytos K'unn, marshalled by a sorceress of great power known as Zyrashana the Witch-Queen, had been cutting a swath thr...
  • When Rides The Scion Of The Storms
    DOVER, ENGLAND: SEPTEMBER 1594 (THE RECOLLECTIONS OF A WAR-WEARY MARINER) MEMORIES OF DEATH AND LIFE For countless thousands of centuries I have walked the ear...
  • Witch Storm
    The Chronicles of War: The vast armies of Mytos K'unn, marshalled by a sorceress of great power known as Zyrashana the Witch-Queen, had been cutting a swath thr...
  • Witch-storm
    Silvern skull, sable shroud, ebon tower, onyx crown Witchfire, black citadel, frost-shrouded steel, moon-veiled spell The skyqueen of the dead rides forth, blac...
  • Witch-Storm
    Silvern skull, sable shroud, ebon tower, onyx crown Witchfire, black citadel, frost-shrouded steel, moon-veiled spell The skyqueen of the dead rides forth, bla...