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  • Abdu-The
  • Abducted
    One thing that I've always wanted to do ever since I was little, I've always wanted to be abducted by a UFO Yeah sometimes, I just go hang out in the woods I'm ...
  • Bathroom
    Had to use a public restroom today ugh Isn't that the worst when you have to? Godamnit you j walk in, right Here's the first thing, I don't care Anywhere in the...
  • Car Accident
    We love car accidents in this country We're obsessed with car accidents! I know your like me, it's like 2 in the morning, it's dead quiet Your in you're house w...
  • Don't Tickle Me!
    You know what I hate, the one thing I hated growing up I hated being tickled Tickling's the worst Cuz it started out fun Right? "Tickling, lets tickle! ' starte...
  • Fireman & Policeman And Mini Putt Security Guard
    When I was a little kid I thought I wanted to be a fireman I think a lot of guys- Did you wanna be a fireman when You were a little kid? People ask you What do ...
  • Five Sisters
    When I was a little kid, I had- I shared everything I had I had one brother alright one brother, five sisters Dude, I had to wear a tampon just to fit in I swea...
  • Fuk And The Finga
    I've been swearing a lot lately Ever go through those modes where you just can't help but swear All the time? Fuck is like the best word ever It really is It's ...
  • Head
    You always want head We love it We always have to watch, right Right And if you've got a lot of hair we fucking turn into Vidal Sasoon All of a sudden We got li...
  • I'll Never Be You
    You are the one everyone wants to be I am the one they say, "I'm glad that's not me" When I go to sleep, I dream about you When you go to sleep, I bet you dream...
  • Itchy Asshole
    The other day, I don't know if you've ever gotten this, it was about 2:30 In the afternoon I got the itchy-est asshole I've ever gotten on record And I keep a r...
  • Just Wanna Dance
    My friends took me out the other night They were like "Dude we gotta go out man Let's go" I was like, "I don't wanna go out" "Come on dude Let's go get some chi...
  • Legacy
    There are some things I have learned in my recent past That I'm excited to share with you tonight, And one thing I've realized is that we all want to leave Beh...
  • Not So Kool-Aid
    I'll tell you what dream used to scare me when I was a little kid Used to actually totally give me nightmares: Remember those kool-aid commercials? Where that, ...
  • Pregnant Lady
    Uh... OOh. You're gonna have a little baby? Oh you're pretty far a long there. What ah how long? You wanna have him right now? Can we force it or Something? You...
  • Simon Said
    If you shaved your beard, and put on a dress, you'd be a great female impersonator And if you win this contest, we will have failed Don't mean to be rude, but y...
  • Slip 'n' Bleed
    We never had a pool, right. So one summer, I remember. My dad, to make me happy. You know I was bummed out cause We didn't have the pool. So one summer he bough...
  • The Nothing Fight
    Am I the only person here who loves to watch a couple Together that hates each others guts? That has to be the most entertaining thing when you see Two people t...