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  • Ahab-Yet
  • Ahab's Oath
    Now three to three ye stand Commend the murderous chalices! Bestow them, ye who now are made parties to this Indissoluble league Drink ye harpooners Drink and s...
  • Below The Sun
    I turn my body from the sun To follow the fading phantom into the deep All collapsed And the great shroud of the sea Rolled on as it rolled thousands of years a...
  • Gnawing Bones
    Yes, we wept! Alas, how we wept Our faith in our father, well kept For God?s sake: brave men we were! Too forward to abandon ourselves to despair Tablets Of Th...
  • Nickerson's Theme
    Neither long or meager lay Nor a comet on a July's day Would lead my righteous soul astray To cowardice, left hand's way Oil soaked timber, wooden bone Whateve...
  • O Father Sea
    Our boat lurches through damnation Utter madness embraces me Faces drawn my starvation As we dwindle into misery For a ray of hope we pray Yet of ruin we are a...
  • Old Thunder
    "Look sharp, marines!" "Dead whale or sunk boat!" "Hunt him 'til he spouts black blood" "And rolls fin up!" Old Thunder ye once was called, Fulfill the prophec...
  • Redemption Lost
    Feel decay - Pale as clay And all washed away Blackest days Arcane our way - Gone astray And all washed away - Blackest days Shades of grey - Aeons of dismay ...
  • The Divinity Of Oceans
    Masts are broken Men will break Yards are shattered Bodies shake Bulkheads battered - Planks are burst This ship is cursed - And so are we Where to head for? -...
  • The Hunt
    Flat and silent the ocean lies Pequod's captured in a lull No gentle breeze blows in the sails Heated by a salty carpet from above The crew's emaciated, surviva...
  • The Pacific
    Oh, ye great mysterious - Thousand leagues of blue No one knows which mysteries are hidden Beneath your surface Your awful stirrings seem to speak of some Hidd...
  • The Sermon
    The ribs and terrors in the whale Arched over me a dismal doom While all God's sun-lit waves rolled by And lift me deepening down to doom I saw the opening maw...
  • Tombstone Carousal
    Death to the living Long life to the killers, Success to sailor's wives And greasy luck to whalers Crushed as the moth beneath thy hand We moulder to the dust ...
  • Yet Another Raft Of The Medusa
    Alas! The Marquesas! Shun the beckoning land! Choose the open sea instead To whatever end! Took down to wondrous depths Sullen we did go Where shapes of unwarp...