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  • 6644-The
  • 6644
    The last moments of peace Of calm: of clear vision The fear is with us all And death is coming closer The barrier removes itself And there we stand exposed to ...
  • Bring on the Apocalypse
    How will the world end? In the final war? The cards are on the table Each player hiding more Who's going to move first? Who wants it bad enough? When the risk ...
  • Days of Destruction
    Some had no choice but to fight Our lives were over The moment we saw our number on the screen While others signed their lives away For their fathers and their...
  • Defenseless
    We've heard the tales Of the days that last forever But the setting sun Tells a story of its own We like to think That our heroes live forever But we find they...
  • Departure
    Here it comes It's coming right on time There's very little room left So get in line It'll be a short trip But none will leave unchanged It'll show you places ...
  • Mastermind
    You take me in I'll take you down With the smile of a clown Arrange the pieces all in line I'm closing in on what is mine [chorus] I PUT THE PLANS INTO MOTION...
  • One Swift Motion
    You checked the right side Forgot about the left You checked behind you Forgot about in front You didn't see it coming You were already dead There was no way Y...
  • Parade of the Forgotten
    The old man stared at me A worn look in his eyes He'd seen and done it all before He said "There's nothing new In what you're going through Another day another...
  • Secret Mines
    Venture down to the Secret Mines Where the forgotten children toil Just under the surface of freedom Underneath the frozen soil Become one of us Become one of u...
  • Stickman
    The Stickman breaks the ice Brings all cold feelings forward A shifting sacrifice A little more to carry homeward The little crimes slip by Liquid loyalties re...
  • Still Quiet
    Still quiet I'm still Brown eyes that light the whole world Stay quiet I'm still Here the whole night I'm dyin for you And i'll wait for you to call But what ...
  • The Fold
    The Fold it keeps us in line A method passed down through time We learn the way from the start And every drone does their part [chorus] IT'S TIME IT'S TIME J...
  • The Torch
    Before we start this We've got a moment Let's go over this One more time You take the left side I've got the right Keep your head low And sights in line [chor...