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  • Ahne-Zeit
  • Ahnenkult
    Senseless devotion is for the weak, Clinging to the splendour of Christ Hoping for illusions to prevail Bowing to the cross while their brothers fall Golden ru...
  • Amandus
    Slithering from the south Like venomous snake Carrying poison to our pagan lands A herald of a degenerate faith The runes are carved, The swords are sharpened ...
  • Awakening Of The Emperor
    Rise! "The emperor never really died; He remains hidden in the mountain, Together with his loyal knights, Sleeping until he be needed" In this era of darkness...
  • Blót
    "Veistu hve rista skal? Veistu hve ráda skal? Veistu hve fáa skal? Veistu hve freista skal? Veistu hve bidja skal? Veistu hve blóta skal? Veistu hve senda skal?...
  • Ergriffenheit
    Dormant is his energy He is the ghostly hunter Who moves in silence And stirs the wild heart to beat with rigour He is the mythic king Who finds the Grail Ridi...
  • Foreboding Dreams
    Dreams of darkness, Dreams of death Dreams of darkness, Slowly hastening it's tread Grim dreams torment me at night Dreams which I foresee my own death No dist...
  • Harjaz
    Germania in chains, ravaged by wars Life and death, governed by steel In these times resistance is spawned It's grimness corresponding to the land Death preva...
  • Prophecies In Flames
    Already eight nights this torment has lasted Tied between two fires, without food I am The man who no dog would dare to assail The flames so fierce, scorching m...
  • Rígsþula
    "At kvadu ganga Grænar brautir Oflgan ok alldinn As kunnigan Rig stiganda" Rigr kunni peim rad at segia, Reis hann upp padan, red; at sogna Meirrr lagdi; hann ...
  • Silence Reigned Over The Bog
    Welcome to the bog, where silence reigns Their existence ends here, it all comes to a halt No place for cowards No tolerance for the feeble No respect for the ...
  • Terror Cimbricus
    Driven from the Northlands The tribe of the Cimbri wandered Spurred by their restless nature Their destiny spun by the Norns A pure and noble people Strengthen...
  • The Architect
    "An architect and his horse Came to Asgard, And offered to erect a wall, To protect the mighty gods From the wretched giants In exchange for this service, He de...
  • The Fall Of Rome
    Iron runs like blood through our veins Our will as strong as stone Born to rule these lands Not to serve foreign lords Immune to the venom of your speech Not a...
  • The Frozen Seas Of Atland
    Here our memory lies Frozen in ice Erased from this earth Awaiting rebirth Our mortal lives are long gone But our recollection is clear I remember the day When...
  • The Sword Of Cheru
    "Crafted by the sons of Ivald, Once guarded in a temple, Reflecting the morning sun, Now a tool in the hands of the Norns Whoever wields it rules the world! G...
  • Thumelicus
    While the barley of Huginn Lies unburied still; Their bones picked clean by ravens The liberator of Germania was betrayed Wuotan gives and Wuotan takes! A fat...
  • Treachery
    A shadow rose across the land And found it's way into the hearts of man Captured by an alien faith Men turned into scum of earth "All the treachery in your nam...
  • Tuisto
    Born from the earth, early in time Father of Mannu; first of our kind Tuisto Reaching back to the dawn of time Your essence lies dormant in our blood Tuisto "...
  • Veleda
    I see through the veil of time I see the threads spun by the maidens I see light where others see but darkness I see the future as I've lived the past Oh, Bruc...
  • Wuotanes Her
    I feel the shame of him dying in his bed For the glory of Christ, Refraining from bloodshed Pain did you avoid, But how will you escape death? Redundant human l...
  • Zeitenwende
    In the age before the coming of the Nazarene Different principles ruled the earth Men lived not by the grace of false ideals But by the strength of their arms A...