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  • A Wi-The
  • A Witness To The Passing Of Aeons
    Uncoiling amongst the stars, my spirit-fight is endless, I abandoned the prison of flesh millenia ago, Parted my veins to shred the last veil, Shrugged aside th...
  • As Buried Spirits Stir
    And I watched the sun cross the sky A thousand thousand times, From within this tomb of earth, Waiting patiently for the sign, To be called by those who would ...
  • Bereft
    Alone Hollow Ashen Life promises only death And thus I am again sentenced to solitude, In silent contemplation, a vision framed in grey Falls upon world-weary ...
  • Colossal Voids
    Let these waves take me away, Let this tide pull me away Let these waves take me away, Let this tide pull me away These ashen waters swallow the grey skies, In...
  • Exiles Journey
    A brutal banishment, A condemnation unfeeling, Compels me to wander, In dreadful isolation Why? Why must I leave behind all that once was mine? Ahead lies only ...
  • Lashed By Storm
    Flayed by the driving rain, of black clouds scud across the sky, The world roars with rage and the very ground trembles I watch as lightening spears the darknes...
  • The Warren
    Labyrinth of soil, twisting, writhing, ever changing, All life returns here, Death, decomposition rebirth Ancient barrows exhale and beckon with hands of stone,...